Womenempowermet Awards
21 SEPTEMBER 2023 at 18,00
Meeting Room Giulio Cesare Campidoglio Rome
Visionando receives the prize for the Social Category, assigned by the Honorary Committee
The Women's Event International Award is an event sponsored by the European Parliament, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the Lazio Region, and organized by the Women's Event Association, with the aim of rewarding the strength of women and men who have contributed to women's empowerment, in various business fields: institutional and social, artistic and cultural, journalism and literature, television and radio, cinema and theatre, inclusive and equal opportunities, research and medicine, fashion and sport, green and new generation.
At the basis of the initiative there has always been the Associazione Evento Donna which for more than fifteen years has supported human rights, gender equality and equality, the legitimation and emancipation of women, to combat discrimination in all its aspects , so that women, who have always been a pillar of society, can continue the process of participation in life in a more inclusive and universal vision.
The Honorary Committee made up of national and international representatives has identified the Nominations of the Winners, who, upon reading the motivation, will receive a profile of a woman who looks towards new horizons as a reward. The prize will be awarded to women and men who have contributed to female empowerment, because only together can we look towards new horizons.